Better Fighters?


I am an avid street fighter player, ever since my wee days of gaming I’ve always been in the mix. Whether it be alpha, 3d, or ultra I was always playing. The newest addition to the series is one of the best to me, next to anniversary collection. My biggest problem with number 4 is that some of the fighters seem more well equiped to win. Any of the shouryuken characters seem to have a strength and chain combo advantage over all the other players. Don’t get me wrong, a good player can make something out of anything like I try with my Chun Li but some things just seem unfair. They have projectiles, anti air and anything else you can name to help them win in battle. Not to mention my biggest hate, the Ken’s almighty dragon uppercut that takes more than enough damage. It just seems that some characters were meant to be improvised with and some were meant to dominate. Akuma can shoot a 4 hit fireball while mine at no advantage to it being that way doesnt even make it across the screen. Some times it feels as though I need to play with the shouryuken characters just to compete. But I won’t compromise I just try to exploit the little weakness that they do have.