Development Report Part 1


I’ve started work on my own game which is code named Knight Time right now. It is a single player 2d zelda-esqe rpg that will focus on new concepts never seen in a 2d rpg. I’m using XNA 3.0 to build it and work began on this about a month ago. I’ve made tremendous strides in the past month but still have a long way to go. I am the sole source of development as of right now, with a couple of artist on board.

The Development Report will be my weekly report on where I am in development. Since I do have resources to artist I am programming the base of the game so that when art is received it can be easily swapped. This includes  menu screens, music, gameplay, and backgrounds. I currently have everything except gameplay programmed.

Which a lot of gameplay is collision and enemy logic which are the toughest things to program. I’ve begun work on collision and from what I’ve experienced this wont be an easy task. Right now I’m on schedule to release a demo by the end of February. The demo will be a fighting dem0nstration to give everybody some sort of idea of how the game plays out.

There is a story for the game right but there are a few revisions that need to be made before anything is said. I will not release  the story but it will be previewed a little when the demo is released.I will also occasionally show screebshots and character art to give a visual update to the game. Knight Time will be my first real endeavor into the gaming world and I hope you all will enjoy it. Pictured above is Demetrius the main character in the game.